Web Scraping and Mapping Dam Levels in Python and Leaflet


Welcome to the Web Scraping and Mapping Dam Levels in Python and Leaflet. In this series we will be building a python GIS application from scratch, using a variety of open source technologies. The purpose of this series and many more to follow, is to take geospatial analytics and convert it into a functional application.

We will be powering our application with a PostgreSQL and PostGIS database. In the front-end we'll use Bootstrap, Javascript, and Ajax. The data we will be working with on the front-end will be serialized into geojson format. The mapping library we will use is Leaflet.js, which is a javascript library that is used to build maps and map applications for free. On the server side we will be using Python 3 Django combined with scientific libraries like pandas, for our data transformation and conversion operations. We will also be using web scraping to collect our data from a website, using a library called BeautifulSoup. The operating system that we will be working on is Ubuntu Linux 16.04.

The preview video as well as some free content is available on our YouTube channel to watch. If you like what you see please like and subscribe on the channel and hit the notification button to make sure you're aware of the latest video we will publish.

Web Scraping and Mapping Dam Levels in Python and Leaflet - Intro (Video)


That is about all we need to cover for the introduction to this series. I hope you will enjoy it and it will add some value to the projects you are currently busy with.

Stay tuned for more content coming soon.

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